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Cal Rellotger is in the district of Girona Girones its capital. Girona retains many witnesses of its long history, was besieged three times by the French
The City of Roman origin, Gerunda, was founded in early if AC, has important monuments. To get a clear idea of how to Girona no path S. N. over the medieval walls, splendid view of the City with the Pyrenees in the background. Descending from the wall and once in the medieval walls have to visit: The Call, the Jewish Museum, get to the Cathedral Square where you can contemplate the spectacular view from the porch and the nave Gothic cathedral is the widest the world without columns, where the museum is famous Tapestry of Creation embroidered s. XI, continuing southwards excolegiata is the Sant Feliu, inside the chapel and tomb of Sant Narcis pattern of the City of Girona. Next to the river Galligans two beautiful Romanesque buildings are the churches of Sant Nicolau and Sant Pere de Galligans.
Continuing along the right bank of the river Galligans we move into what was a perfectly calm and beautiful valley of La Vall Sant Daniel today broken his silence on the ring road from Girona

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