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La Via Romana Capsacosta

From San Salvador Bianya until Capsacosta neck is very easy to follow the Roman road which stretches several presents an excellent good condition. This road was named, according to some scholars, Via Annia and was a branch of the Via Augusta.

From Figueres went to the mountain area, and after crossing the plains of Bianya Capsacosta and followed by climbs to the col d'Ares, to rebind later, in the Gaul, with the aforementioned main road. A timely action cleaning and consolidation has allowed the Roman road, witness a period of great historical significance for our country, has recovered its monumental importance, demonstrating a series of walls, tires and other items stored in that highlight the extraordinary work of construction undertaken some two thousand years ago.

Romanesque churches

In the Valley Bianya are a number of Romanesque buildings that have architectural features of the twelfth century. These are churches that have been modified over the centuries, but which retain their original plant.

These are: San Salvador Bianya, Capsec of St. Martin, St. Margaret of Bianya, Solamal Sant Martí, Sant Marti del Clot, Socarrats of St. Andrew, St. Pontius of Aulin, DESPUIG San Pedro, San Miguel del Monte, San Miguel Tower, Santa Maria Sacot, Sant Feliu del Bac, San Andrés Porreres Santa Magdalena and Santa Maria del Coll de Castellar de la Montaña.

Footpath network Itinerànnia

Itinerànnia is a network of trails that restores the historic old roads linking all peoples. It spreads by Ripollès, Alt Empordà and Garrotxa and allows walk from the Pyrenees to the Mediterranean Sea through more than 2,500 kilometers of marked trails, 700 of them in the Garrotxa.

Unlike traditional routes, Itinerànnia is a network of paths that can go anywhere to anyone else, in both senses, the same way that a road network. As the roads have no beginning and an end, everyone can choose the section you wish to make according to your preferences.

Greenways Girona (Olot - Girona)

This 57-km route crosses three regions and twelve towns, following the valleys of the Fluvià, Bruges and Ter. Route Carrilet Olot-Girona has a gentle slope from Olot (440 m) to Gerona (70 m) and its peak is located in the Lower neck at 558 meters above sea level.

The tour is suitable for pedestrians and bicycles, is in very good condition and has been conditioned with new bridges, railings and signage. The route crosses Carrilet major scenic spots, cultural and ecological. Launched at the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone, always following the route of the old narrow gauge train, reaches the Ter valley and meadows Salt and Girona. The road that once linked the Garrotxa Garrotxa and will now know the natural resources of the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone, Castle Hostoles and urban areas of English, and Pallerols Sant Feliu de Girona, among others. Areas such as pastures or Girona Salt also integrated in this route, close to Ter in its last leg and looks at the uses made of river water resources.

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