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 Torre Santa Margarita Bianya is located in the heart of the Valley Bianya between cores Llocalou and Hostalnou, and very near the church of Sant Andreu de Socarrats.

The building that currently exists, was first built the tower, which was used as a surveillance. Later the house was built around the tower, so today when we talk about our house, the tower is known as Santa Margarita Bianya. Over the years Tower spent their monitoring function in a splendid natural drying corn.

Since the early 90s, the house was restored, respecting the existing buildings and the charm of a traditional farmhouse in the area, with its own bakery and dependencies in order to carry out the activity rural tourism.

Today the farm consists of 5 bedrooms with bathrooms, a living room with fireplace and a dining room.

Cooking meals offered in the Santa Margarita Bianya Tower, part of the traditional cuisine of the area and used productesde land

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